
03 February 2020

PhotoFluo will finish soon

PhotoFluo project is going ti finish soon: check out the obtained results on our publications

30 January 2019

Planned secondments

The last PhotoFluo secondments are planned for the summer

10 January 2019


PhotoFluo results will be presented at international conferences

01 May 2018

New secondments soon

Chadron Friesen and Addison Pasiuk will start soon their secondment at ENSCM (France)

20 March 2018

Best presentation award

Congratulations to Céline Bonneaud who won the "Best Presentation Award for PhD Students" at PolyRay Conference 2018

30 January 2018

New secondments soon

Giuseppe Trusiano and Melania Rizzello will start soon their secondment at TWU

30 december 2017

Secondment completed

Céline Bonneaud completed her secondment

13 November 2017

Science outreach

PhotoFluo is on the radio

17-20 September 2017


First PhotoFluo results are presented at Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2017

15 May 2017

Secondments started

Canadian partners started their secondments in France, Montpellier: ER Prof. Chadron Friesen and ESRs Julia Burgess and Trevor Burgess

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